Loaves & Fishes

About Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen

Given the rising cost of housing, gas, utilities, and other necessities, statistics show that 1 in every 3 people in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties is at risk for food insecurity. That’s why, for over 40 years, Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen has provided hot and nutritious meals to feed hungry families, children, seniors, veterans, students, and disabled individuals in the Bay Area. All are welcome, no questions asked. 

Founded in 1980, Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is one of the largest nonprofit prepared meal providers in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area at large. We are the last line of defense for the most vulnerable among us.

For more information or to get involved, visit www.loavesfishes.org.   


Loaves & Fishes Family Kitchen is driven by the purpose of providing healthy food to the most vulnerable members of our community and raising awareness about food insecurity so that no one ever goes to bed hungry. They do this through their food and volunteer programs:

  • Prepared Meals Program – Loaves & Fishes hot-meals programs offer free meals at two sites in San Jose and more than 40 partner sites throughout our service area. 
  • A La Carte Program – Loaves & Fishes food recovery and prepared meal program, A La Carte, recovers extra food from local businesses and packages it for distribution at multiple mobile sites. 
  • Volunteer Program – Loaves & Fishes offers five volunteer opportunities to support our mission and donate time and resources to the community. 
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