Today’s law allows factory sealed alcoholic beverages to be delivered. But what about Aqui Swirls?

Swirls To Go
Today, Swirls and other Industrial Drinks are available to be purchased at our locations or online for pickup and takeout. California rules do apply.

But what about Swirls being delivered?
Swirls cannot at this time because they are not “factory sealed” like beer or wine. However, there is a bill, SB-495, that is working its way through the California State Legislature that if passed will allow Swirls and Industrial drinks to be delivered by third parties like DoorDash. Right now SB-495 is in the Assembly which just came back from recess and the bill is currently held in committee. We’re keeping our eye on the status and will update this page when we know more.
If you would learn more about SB-495 see the link below.

SB-495 Bill Information
Delivery Bag with Aqui logo